Not So Wildlife
Life on the farm would be lonely without some family to keep you company and provide you with love, protection and nourishment. We have our dogs and chickens and yes they all have names.
Canis lupus familiaris - Half Great Pyrenees and half German Shepherd. Posing so nicely and smiling for the camera. Don't let the smile fool you as she does a great job protecting the chickens and the property. And at nearly 95 lbs she has the muscle to keep us all in line.
Ursula, the She-Bear
Canis lupus familiaris - Half American Bull Terrier and half Pointer and here he is looking for help getting out of the snow. He is our city dog and not quite adapted to mountain living. He does a good job of protecting the house and chasing lizards, when he's not sleeping.
Biko, the Lizard-Boy
Sadly, Biko passed away at age 14 in 2022
Canis lupus familiaris - Half Husky and half German Shepherd.
When we got Tim from the shelter, he had mange and kennel cough and now after a lot of love and attention and substantial exercise he is larger than Ursula at about 105 lbs. Tim loves to run and run and run and will eat just about anything. Tim loves everybody.
Tim, the Enchanter
Canis lupus familiaris - One hundred percent Great Pyrenees. Willow weighs in at about 120 lbs and is our enforcer. She is gentle and great with chickens and children. She also excels at stoicism.
Willow, the Stoic
Sadly, Willow passed away at age 10 in 2023.
The Big Three
Ursula, Tim, and Willow
A new addition for 2024, Chili is a Kunekune which in the Māori language means “fat and round.” She certainly is all that and pregnant as well.
Chili did not come to us alone, her son from a previous litter Burrito is also a new addition to the farm. Burrito is 4 months old.
The Big Two
Chili and Burrito do love their food (and as it turns out, the chicken food as well).
Burrito and Ursula
Burrito sometimes accepts an invitation from the Tim and Ursula to come and play in the dog yard. Burrito just loves the Canyon Live Oak acorns that are everywhere in the yard and the dogs love having another companion.