
You know it's funny how for some people, certain colors evoke feelings, emotions, and perhaps memories. In fact in some cases people can become so enamored with certain colors that they go a bit overboard as is the case (or was) with our new house. The previous owners felt that it was necessary to paint a couple of rooms with colors that were dark and dreary (one with a metallic kind of glow) and I wonder what they felt after they had finished painting the ceiling, walls and trim all the same color. I know what I felt as I strongly considered taking up chainsaw juggling. But that's the great thing about paint, you can always change it and save a limb or two. So needless to say we have spent some time putting our touch on this house (and walls and trim) and painting the ceilings white! 

Yesterday, we finished up with two days of rain and I was finally able to take the dogs for a walk today and I noticed the changes that were brought on by the rain. The color green. A majority of the granite boulders around our house and on the trail that were covered in lichen which as a result of the lack of moisture had become sort of a yellowish-gray-violet color and with just several hours of rain had now blossomed bright green. Now I know for those who have seen the desert after a rainstorm you are saying "of course." Humor me ok. I am liken' the lichen!

And finally to finish up with our topic of the day, I have to mention the sunsets. Every day they bring on a new show with orange, yellow, green, and pink that just set fire to the sky. Sometimes the clouds resemble Maxfield Parrish paintings. Truly spectacular! I only wish I could capture some of this in a photo and share. The only way to truly appreciate it is to come visit us and see it for yourself and while we are taking in the show we'll share an adult beverage or two. It will be fun.

(I have posted some new pictures, check them out)

Peter Berg1 Comment