The Flip
Weather in the Sierra Nevadas seems to go to the extremes. Even though we have 4 seasons, fall and spring tend to be on the hot and cold side respectively. Last week we had highs in the low 50’s with overnight lows in the high 30’s and this weekend the highs will be in the 90’s. The date of this “flip” from cold to hot or in the fall from hot to cold varies. Usually we would have already been in hot weather by now. It is unclear to me what causes this change and when.
The traditional date for the snowpack to begin melting is April 1. The annual snowpack measurement always compares against “normal” for April 1. This year however with the additional rain the snowpack has increased well into May. The % or normal for this date in May is 220%! My prediction is that this weekend marks the "flip" when we will see things get warm and the rivers begin to swell with the snowmelt. The result for this area and Yosemite is that the waterfalls will be full and the expectation is that they will be spectacular through August and into September.
If there was a time for a visit to the park, this summer would be it.
Vernal Falls