The Inn Is Open
No not the Bed and Breakfast, The Chick Inn.
We have six new residents – two Buff Orpingtons – Elsa and Briar Rose; two Rhode Island Reds - Martha (pronounced Mahtha and now spelled that way to avoid any confusion about her New England heritage) and Bertha; and two Barred Rocks – Bonita and FJ.
What is so great about the Inn being open is that we no longer are housing our birds in our middle bathroom shower and never again will our birds (or any future birds) find roost on porcelain tile. If you have ever been in close proximity with chicken poo, you’ll know why.
Chickens are fast learners; you show one how to do something and the other birds figure it out quick. The exception was that we were trying to get them to go into the coop at night and found that we needed to use a variety of methods (Ursula, trash can lids, etc.) to get them in range to pick them up and put them on the ladder. Unfortunately with all our efforts we needed to keep doing this as they had not learned to get in the coop. Until last Friday night…
Cheryl and I had a date (yes, even in the back woods of the Sierra Nevadas there are restaurants) and we were meeting up with a couple from Fresno (someone Cheryl had met on a flight over a year ago). Well the evening went well (and long) and by the time we left the restaurant it was dark and way past the chicken’s bed time.
We got home and Garsh, Sha-zam, Gall-lee they were all in the coop! And since that night they go to bed when the sun goes down!
The signs that Courtney, Claire, and Cheryl worked on that hang on the Chick Inn coop.